
外资进入中国城市水务的风险及其化解 被引量:2

The Risks of Foreign Capitals invested in Chinese Urban Water Affairs and Some Mitigative Approaches
摘要 经过十多年的发展,外资已逐渐成长为一股足以影响中国水务市场的庞大力量。一段时间以来,各地水价"涨声不断",使得人们对外资进入中国城市水务产生质疑,并进一步引发外资威胁城市供水安全的讨论。本文通过对外资进入中国城市水务的发展历程及其实践效果进行分析,认为应给予其客观评价:虽然外资进入已经伴生了水价上涨的现实问题和潜在的金融风险,但这些风险不是外资进入本身的风险,而与外资进入过程中的操作不规范、政府责任不当剥离以及规制不到位有关,属于可调控风险。因此,本文提出通过回归城市供水的公共服务本位和构建高效的规制体系等途径来化解风险。 After more than ten years development, foreign capital has gradually grown up to be a huge power strong enough to influence China's water affairs. The increasing water price in recent period raised public doubts about the foreign investment in China urban water affairs, and even attracted discussions about the urban water safety. The text analyzes the development of foreign capitals in China's urban water affairs as well as its practical effects, and also suggests conducting the objective evaluation for that issue. Though there are some problems and risks in the process of foreign capital investment, we can find out the reasons for those problems and risks such as violation of certain rules, diminishing government accountability and vacancy of government regulation. Thus, the text proposes to return urban water affairs to public service and construct an effective regulation system to mitigate such risks.
作者 张丽娜
出处 《中国行政管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第12期77-80,共4页 Chinese Public Administration
基金 2009年教育部人文社科青年项目"城市公用事业合同规制问题研究"(项目号:90YJC63013)的阶段性成果
关键词 外商投资 城市水务 市场化 政府规制 foreign capital, urban water affairs, marketization, government regulation
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