
反式脂肪酸的研究进展 被引量:5

An Overview of Trans Fatty Acids
摘要 本文对反式脂肪酸的结构、来源、摄入量、生理作用和检测方法等进行综述。研究表明日常食用的人造奶油、起酥油和焙烤食品中存在大量反式脂肪酸,它们主要是在油脂的氢化过程中产生的。天然的反式脂肪酸主要是在反刍动物的瘤胃菌作用下产生的,存在于乳制品中,含量较低;乳制品中主要的反式脂肪酸—18∶111t,已证实可在体内转化为对人体有益的18∶29c11t。反式脂肪酸能提高冠心病和Ⅱ型糖尿病的发病率,并且干扰不饱和脂肪酸代谢、影响婴儿的生长。人们对不同来源的反式脂肪酸的生理作用还存在争议,反式脂肪酸的作用可能与其异构体种类有关。 Trans fatty acids (TFA) are unsaturated fatty acids with trans configuration, obstructed by at least a methyl (no-conjugated). Margarine, shortening, and fried foods are rich in trans fatty acids due to industrial partial hydrogenation of unsaturated vegetable oils. Its also appear in dairy fat in a little amount because of ruminal activity in ruminants. Studies have shown a strong positive association between the intake of trans fatty acids and the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) and type 11 diabetes. TFA also have interferences on the metabolism of polyunsaturated fatty acids and do harm to infants development. Nevertheless, 18:1 lit which is one of the main trans-isomers in diary fat was proved can be translated into18:2 9c, lit in body, which is good for health. People debate on the relationship between the intakes of TFA from different sources, the efficiency of TFA may relate with difference sources and geometric constitutes. Further investigations are accumulating, and this paper just focus on the knowledge of the structure, the source, the daily intakes, the physiological consequences and analytical methods of TFA.
作者 王杉 邱伟华
出处 《江西食品工业》 2010年第4期47-52,共6页 Jiangxi Food Industry
关键词 食品 反式脂肪酸 检测 加工 作用 trans fatty acid analysis hydrogenation food
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