
站在新的历史起点的中欧关系:机遇与挑战 被引量:3

Sino-European Relations at a New Historical Vantage Point:Opportunities and Challenges
摘要 中欧关系在经历了建设性伙伴关系、全面伙伴关系和全面战略伙伴关系的发展演变后,如何进一步定位和确定发展方向成为当前值得关注和思考的重要课题。中国领导人关于中欧关系正站在新的历史起点的基本论断,既是对当前中欧关系基本定位的总体肯定,同时也是对中欧关系的复杂性和中欧相互依存性同时上升这一现实的认知。中欧关系需要中欧双方更积极地以战略眼光探索加深合作的新机遇,并以更加成熟的方式应对共同挑战。 Sino-European Relations,after going through an evolution process of constructive partnership,all-around partnership,and comprehensive strategic partnership,have now come across a noteworthy and thought-provoking issue of how to calibrate and redefine position and direction of their future development.Basic judgments made by the Chinese leadership that China-Europe relations have stood at a new historical vantage point not only reflect their generally positive view of the current status of the ties,but also denote a growing understanding of the reality that complexities in the bilateral relations will go hand in hand with the deepening of mutual interdependence of the two sides.Both China and Europe need to explore,with a strategic foresight,new ways and take up new opportunities in furthering their relations more energetically so that they are able to jointly confront common challenges in a more skillful manner.
作者 房乐宪
出处 《和平与发展》 2010年第6期50-55,共6页 Peace and Development
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