
二维超声速进气道数值仿真研究 被引量:2

Numerical Study on 2D Supersonic Inlet
摘要 研究混压式超声速进气道改善阻力性能问题,改变进气道构型,针对Kantrowitz极限标准在进气道收缩比的设计上都过于保守;针对粘性效应问题,通过改进方法来控制激波/边界层干扰所造成的边界层分离现象,可以有效的降低粘性效应所带来的负面影响,提高进气道的起动特性,设计点和非设计点(Ma=3.5)均能达到优化进气道性能指标的效果。应用CFD对超声速进气道的起动特性进行了数值仿真分析,并从定量角度给出了如何施加壁面开缝措施来控制进气道的边界层分离现象。仿真结果发现在无粘和粘性条件下,相对开缝前,进气道的总压恢复系数分别提升了8.1%和22.7%。同时仿真结果表明,对于超声速进气道的设计和改进有一定的指导作用。 The starting characteristics of 2D supersonic inlet are studied numerically with CFD and the method of how to design the wall slots to control inlet boundary layer separation is given quantitatively.The numerical results showed that both in non-viscous and sticky conditions,Kantrowitz limit standards in the design of the inlet contraction are too conservative.For the viscous effects,using the method of the paper to control the boundary layer separation caused by shock/boundary layer interference can effectively reduce the negative impact of the viscosity effect,improve the inlet starting characteristics and optimize the inlet's performance index in both design point and off-design point.Compared with before bleeding,the inlet's total pressure recovery coefficient is increased by 8.1% and 22.7% respectively.Moreover,the simulation results provide a certain instructions on the design and improvement of supersonic inlet.
作者 李世珍 唐硕
出处 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第12期43-46,147,共5页 Computer Simulation
关键词 超声速进气道 边界层分离 数字仿真 壁面开缝 总压恢复系数 Supersonic inlet Boundary layer separation Digital simulation Wall slotting Total pressure recovery coefficient
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