

A Novel Waiting Time Model for Ramp Metering and Evaluation
摘要 针对匝道多目标协调优化控制方程确立中的控制参数选择问题,分析了现有研究中存在的信息冗余以及匝道排队状态描述中的信息缺失问题。基于排队论思想,建立了一种新的考虑单车等待累积时间的匝道车辆排队时间模型,并设计了表征循环等待时间的参数作为控制目标参数。在确立控制方程之后,对两种不同情况下的控制做了对比,结果表明,所提模型可以有效避免匝道排队描述不符合实际的情况,为控制方程的建立以及控制评价提供了一种新的思路和解决方法。 Real and scientific traffic flow parameter are the basis to make efficient traffic control strategy and establish control function and this will leads to an appropriate and impartial reflection to efficiency and equity of control property.Intelligent control is a new development where the control problem is to find the combination of control measures that result in the best road performance and control effectiveness.The problems of intelligent metering evaluation for local ramp are considered.A novel ramp queuing parameter-the reduplicated waiting time was posed using the queuing theory.With in-situ traffic flow data,comparison between the novel and previous parameters are made to clarify the advantages of the novel parameter.
出处 《科学技术与工程》 2010年第35期8736-8740,共5页 Science Technology and Engineering
基金 北京交通大学优秀博士生科技创新基金(2008141052522) 国家高技术研究发展计划(863)(2007AA11Z213)资助
关键词 交通工程 匝道控制 总体匝道等待时间 单车等待累积时间 循环等待时间 traffic engineering ramp metering total vehicles waiting time single waiting accumulative time reduplicated waiting time
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