
慢性肺心病患者生活质量的护理干预 被引量:3

Nursing intervention on life quality of patients with chronic cor pulmonale
摘要 目的探讨护理干预对慢性肺心病患者生活质量的影响。方法将143例慢性肺心病患者随机分为实验组72例和对照组71例,两组均接受常规的治疗和护理,对实验组患者额外进行护理干预。应用简明健康调查量表(SF-36)比较两组患者生活质量情况。结果实验组患者干预后生活质量较干预前有显著改善,与对照组比较也有显著改善,而对照组干预前后生活质量无显著差异。结论有效的护理干预能提高慢性肺心病患者的生活质量。 Objective To explore the influence of nursing intervention on life quality of patients with chronic cor pulmonale.Methods Altogether 143 patients with acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis were randomly allocated into experimental group (n=72) and control group(n=71), patients in both groups accepted routine treatment and nursing care, and nursing intervention was added into the therapeutic regimen of patients in experimental group. The application of concise health survey questionnaire (SF-36) for realization of life quality was carried out in patients of both two groups after the intervention.Results The life quality of patients in experimental group after intervention had significantly been improved in comparison with that of controls and before intervention, and there was no significant differences in life quality before and after intervention in patients of control group.Conclusion Effective nursing intervention can improve the life quality of patients with chronic cor pulmonale.
作者 李中琴
机构地区 达县中医院内科
出处 《临床和实验医学杂志》 2010年第24期1856-1857,共2页 Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine
关键词 肺心病 生活质量 护理干预 Cor pulmonale The quality of life Nursing intervention
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