本文介绍了一种基于PCI Express总线的遥感卫星数据采集技术的实现,重点阐述了采用高性能FPGA设计和实现数据采集卡的PCI Expressx8总线接口,DMA控制器,以及DDR2 SDRAM缓存控制器。实验证明,由该采集卡,通用服务器平台及磁盘阵列搭建的记录系统具有高带宽,高稳定性,解决了基于PCI-X总线的遥感卫星数据采集技术因总线淘汰后技术延续的问题。
An implementation of remote sensing satellite data acquisition technology based on PCI Express bus was introduced.The design and implementation of data acquisition card's PCI Express x8 bus interface,DMA controller,and DDR2 SDRAM data-buffer controller were intensively expatiated.Experiments proved that data recording systems constructed by this data acquisition card,general purpose server platform and disk array has high bandwidth,high stability,which solved the developing problems of remote sensing satellite data acquisition technology which was based on the eliminating PCI-X bus.
Control & Automation