A left R-module M is called Eω-injective if for any ω-stage Euclidean ideal I of R,any R-module homomorphism may be extended to an R-module homomorphism.A left R-module M is called Eω-projective if for any ω-stage Euclidean ideal I of R and any R-module homomorphism f∈HomR(M,R/I),there exists an R-module homomorphism g∈HomR(M,R)such that f=πg where π is the canonical epimorphism.We prove,in the article,that both P and Q are Eω-projective if and only if so is PQ.Further,we show that every left R-module is Eω-projective if and only if every left R-module is Eω-injective.
Mathematical Theory and Applications