
后循环梗死患者的BAEP、BR、TSEP检测 被引量:1

The changes of BAEP,BR、TSEP in patients with posterior circulation infarction
摘要 目的:探讨后循环脑梗死(PCI)患者脑干听觉诱发电位(BAEP)、瞬目反射(BR)、三叉神经诱发电位(TSEP)三种电生理变化。方法:选择60例经头颅MRI检查证实为PCI患者(病例组),分别于入院一周之内行BAEP、BR、TSEP检查,观察BAEP波形及I、Ⅲ、V波潜伏期(PL)、峰间期(IPL),计算BR既R1、R2、R2波平均PI。、波幅及TSEP各成分PL,并与40例健康体检者作对照。结果:病例组60例中BAEP异常35例(58%),异常主要表现为I、V波的PL、I—V波的IPL延长和I/V波幅比〉1。BR异常33例(55%),异常主要表现为R2波的PL延长,R2、R2’波幅下降。TSEP检查病例组与对照组PL比较未见明显差异。结论:BAEP、BR两种电生理检查方法能够较好地检测出PCI患者神经功能异常,联合应用BAEP及BR能够为PCI患者的神经功能的判断提供重要参考。 Objective:To investigate the changes of brain stem auditory evoked potential (BAEP), blink reflex (BR) and trigeminaI somatosensory evoked potential(TSEP) in patients with posterior circulation infarction(PCI). Method: Sixty patients with PCI proved by MRI were performed in the examina tion of BAEF, BR and TSEP respectively in comparision with controls(40 cases) within one week. The waveform, peak tatency(PL) and interpeak latency (IPL)of I , III , V of BAEP were observed. The data of PL of all waves of BR and TSEP were calculated. Results: The abnormality of BAEP was detected in 35 cases(58%). The main abnormal findings of BAEP including prolonged PL of I and V waves, prolonged IPL of I- V waves and the amplitude ratio of I / V 〉 1. The abnormality of BR was detected in 33 cases(55%). The main abnormal findings of BP, were shown in prolonged latency of R2 And decreased amplitude of R2,R2'. There was no significant diference in TSEP between patients and controls. Conclusions: BAEP and BR may detect the electroneurophysiologic abnormality sensitively in patients with PCI. Combined examination of BAEP and BR show important reference for the diagnosis of PCI.
出处 《癫痫与神经电生理学杂志》 2010年第6期342-346,共5页 Journal of Epileptology and Electroneurophysiology(China)
关键词 后循环脑梗死(PCI) 脑干听觉诱发电位(BAEP) 瞬目反射(BR) 三叉神经诱发电位 (TSEP) Posterior circulation infarction (PCI) Brain-stem auditory evoked potentiai(BAEP) Blink reflex (BR) Trigeminal somatosensory evoked potential(TSEP)
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