
危机后对“华盛顿共识”和“北京共识”的思考——关于经济自由与经济增长的经验分析 被引量:9

Reflections on the Washington Consensus and Beijing Consensus after the Financial Crisis:An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Economic Freedom and Growth
摘要 本文分别使用世界各国的截面数据和中国的时间序列数据分析经济自由度指数与经济增长率的关系。结果表明,在控制了劳动力人口、资本存量以及人力资本等变量后,经济自由度与经济增长率之间存在非常密切的正向(因果)关系。我们的工作不仅为亚当.斯密的自由经济理论提供了新证据,而且证明了中国的经济增长正是得益于经济自由度的提高,中国并不是自由经济理论的一个例外。 The relationship between economic freedom and economic growth is tested with the cross section data of Heritage Foundation′s index of economic freedom across countries.Our empirical results show that there is a close(and even causal) relationship between economic freedom and economic growth,controlling the variables such as labor force,capital stock and human capitals.Our findings not only provide a new proof for the Adam Smith′s wisdom,but explain that China′s growth is the result of the economic freedom improvement and China is never an exception to the free economic theory.
出处 《世界经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第12期3-10,共8页 World Economy Studies
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