采用ANSYS软件对日熔化量为500 t的浮法熔窑中的玻璃液进行模拟,研究了玻璃液在熔窑中存在的湍流现象。在此基础上分别讨论了可能引起玻璃液湍流的因素,即玻璃液的温度梯度、原料熔化中物理化学反应带来的气泡、熔窑的辅助设施、日熔化量(投料速度)等因素的变化对液流湍流的影响。由于温度梯度的存在,玻璃液内部发生热量交换,产生自然对流,引起玻璃液流的变化;同时玻璃液中大量气泡在热点附近上升,带动周围玻璃液一起上升,玻璃液流运动剧烈,湍流加强;熔窑中冷却水包的存在,强制纵向搅拌了玻璃液,使玻璃液流具有了湍流的性质;当日熔化量(投料速度)变大时,熔窑底部玻璃液湍流强度变小,因此投料速度的变化也可以成为诱发玻璃液流产生湍流的因素。
The simulation in daily melting capacity of 500 t of float glass furnace is performed by using ANSYS software,researched the liquid in the glass furnace in the presence of turbulence.On this basis,respectively,to discuss possible factors that cause the glass fluid turbulence,that the temperature gradient of the liquid glass,the physical and chemical reaction caused by air bubbles in material melting,auxiliary facility of the furnace,day melting capacity(filling speed) changes in factors such as the impact of flow turbulence.As the temperature gradient exists inside the liquid glass,heat exchange occurs,resulting in natural convection and changes flowing in the furnace;the same time a large number of bubbles in the glass rise near the thermal spring,driving up around the glass with liquid glass flow movement intense,turbulent strengthen;the cooling-water existence in the furnace forced vertical mixing of the liquid glass,the glass flow with the turbulent nature;day melting capacity(filling speed) becomes larger,the melting furnace at the bottom of the glass liquid turbulence intensity becomes smaller,thus change of filling speed can also be induced glass flow generated turbulence factor.
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology