

Local Non-Similarity Solution for the Impact of Chemical Reaction on MHD Mixed Convection Heat and Mass Transfer Flow Over a Porous Wedge in the Presence of Suction/Injection
摘要 研究伴有化学反应的流经多孔楔形体的,传热传质磁流体的自由、受迫和混合对流.使用结合打靶法的Runge-Kutta-Gill方法,和直到3阶截断误差的局部非相似法,将偏微分的控制方程简化为9个常微分方程.通过Falkner-Skan变换,将边界层控制方程表示为无量纲形式.由于楔形体壁面的吸入/喷出,以及可变的壁面温度和浮力的影响,使得流场呈局部非相似性.就一些特定的无量纲参变数,给出具有3阶截断误差的数值计算.图形显示可变壁面温度和浓度条件下,伴有化学反应时磁场强度对无量纲速度、温度和浓度分布的影响. Combined heat and mass transfer on free,forced and mixed convection flow along a porous wedge with magnetic effect in the presence of chemical reaction was investigated.The flow field characteristics were analyzed using the Runge-Kutta Gill with shooting method as well as the local non-similarity method up to third level of truncation was used to reduce the governing partial differential equations into nine ordinary differential equations.The governing boundary layer equations were written into a dimensionless form by Falkner-Skan transformations.Because of the effect of suction/injection on the wall of the wedge with buoyancy force and variable wall temperature,the flow field is locally nonsimilar.Numerical calculations up to third order level of truncation are carried out for different values of dimensionless parameters as a special case.Effects of the strength of magnetic field in the presence of chemical reaction with variable wall temperature and concentration on the dimensionless velocity,temperature and concentration profiles are shown graphically.
出处 《应用数学和力学》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第12期1435-1444,共10页 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
关键词 局部非相似性 吸入/喷出 浮力 磁场 楔形体壁面处的吸入 local non-similarity suction/injection buoyancy force magnetic field and suction at the wall of the wedge
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