

Study on the Relationship between the Self-concept and Mental Health in Grade one Students of Boarding Middle School
摘要 采用《田纳西自我概念量表》和《中学生心理健康量表》对长沙市一寄宿学校----麓山国际实验学校初一12班的40位学生进行调查,探讨寄宿学校初一学生自我概念与心理健康影响因素及其相互关系。进行统计分析,结果表明:寄宿学校初一学生具有较积极的自我概念,但存在轻度心理健康问题。心理健康问题突出表现在学习压力和情绪不平衡两个方面,其次是强迫症状和适应不良;自我概念正向因子(生理自我,心理自我,社会自我,家庭自我等)与心理健康问题呈负相关,负向因子(自我批评)与心理健康问题呈正相关;自我行动、自我概念、自我批评、道德自我对心理健康问题有显著的预测作用。 The aim of this research is to explore the influential factors and relationship of self-concept and their mental health in Grade one students of boarding middle School by testing 40 students who come from one boarding middle school in Changsha. The result shows: The student s possess the positive self-concept, but their psychological health is not very good. The positive factors of self-concept have significantly negative relationship with the mental health problem, but the negative factors of self-concept just have the significantly positive relationship with the mental health problem. Self-action, self-concept, ethics-self, self-criticism, and self-satisfaction can predict mental health problems.
出处 《社会心理科学》 2010年第9期142-146,共5页 Science of Social Psychology
关键词 寄宿制 自我概念 心理健康 boarding middle School self-concept mental health.
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