1《Statistical Data》, 20th world Gas Conference Sub- Committee G 1 (1993, 1994, 1995), Copenhagen, Denmark 1997.
2American Gas Association. 1976-1985 Historical Statistics of the Gas Utility Industry prepared by Department of Statistics.
3Chair Steve Vick (United kingdom). An evaluation and determination of leading practices used in the industry for management of leakage from gas distribution systems. Study Group 4.2 (Woe-4) 24th World Gas Conference, Boenors Aires Agentina 2009.
5C. George Segeler (Editor-in-Chief) Gas Engineers Handbook. Fuel Gas Engineering Practices. 93 Worth stree4 New York, N. Y. 1965.
6The American Gas Association 《Transmission》 Volume II, Book T-I Pipelines/planning and Economics. GEOP (Gas Engineering and Operating Practices) A Series by the Operating Section. 1989.