
凝血酶原时间-区域性国际敏感度指数影响与凝血酶原时间-国际标准化比率可比性的研究 被引量:1

Study on influence of PT-local intenrational sensitivity index on comparability in PT-INR
摘要 目的:明确两种不同检测系统凝血酶原时间-区域性国际敏感度指数(PT-localISI),并观察localISI对不同检测系统凝血酶原时间-国际标准化比率(PT-INR)可比性的影响。方法:分别采用贝克曼-库尔特ACL-9000和赛科希德SF-8000检测PT,使用国际标准化比率标准血浆对2种检测系统的ISI进行标定,确定其localISI,并分别利用localISI和厂家提供的ISI计算患者和健康志愿者的PT-INR。结果:ACL-9000检测系统的PT-localISI为1.18,SF8000检测系统的PT-localISI为1.11,与厂家提供的ISI存在差异;对口服抗凝剂患者,使用厂家提供的ISI,ACL-9000检测系统和SF-8000检测系统报告的PT-INR差异有统计学意义,而使用PT-localISI,则PT-INR差异无统计学意义。结论:为了保证不同检测系统PT-INR的可比性,必须确定不同检测系统的PT-localISI。 Objective:To identify PT local international sensitivity index(PT-local ISI)from two different detection systems and to investigate the influence of local ISI on comparability of PT-INR in different detection systems.Method:PT was detected with Beckman-Coulter ACL-9000and Success SF-8000..Standard plasma was adopted to standardize ISI of two different detection systems and identify their local ISI,respectively.Finally PT-INR of patients and healthy volunteers was calculated with local ISI and ISI provided by manufacturers,respectively.Result:Local ISI was found to be 1.18and 1.11 in ACL-9000and SF-8000detection systems,respectively,which was different from ISI provided by their manufacturers.It was also found that there was significant difference in PT-INR in patients taking oral anticoagulant medicine between ACL-9000and SF-8000detection systems if ISI provided by manufacturers were used to calculate PT-INR,but the difference disappeared if local ISI was used to calculate PT-INR.Conclusion:In order to ensure comparability exists in PT-INR of different detection systems,PT-ISI must be identified.
出处 《临床血液学杂志(输血与检验)》 CAS 2010年第6期723-724,共2页 Journal of Clinical Hematology(Blood Transfusion & Laboratory Medicine)
关键词 凝血酶原时间 国际标准化比率 区域性ISI prothrombin time international normalized ratio local intenrational sensitivity index comparability
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