嵌入式Internet是近几年来随着嵌入式系统的广泛应用和计算机网络技术的进步而发展起来的一项新的概念和技术。目前,以单片机或微控制器构成的嵌入式系统已被广泛应用于家庭、工业等各个领域。通过将以太网网络适配器功能嵌入到单片机系统中,同时加载UDP和TCP/IP协议就可以实现单片机和以太网的通讯。介绍了由单片机控制的基于以太网的通讯电路,阐述了如何应用M icroch ip公司的8位单片机PIC16F877和台湾Realtek公司的以太网控制芯片RTL8019AD实现以太网的通讯功能,单片机作为下位机实现与作为网络节点的PC机进行通讯。
Based on the increasing development of embedded system and the new computer technology,embedded Internet is a new concept and technology which has been progressing in recent years.Nowadays,the embedded Internet system constructed of micro control unit and single chip is widely used in various fields,including family and industry.By embeding the adapter function of Ethernet into single chip system and loading UDP,TCP/IP article of agreement,the communication between single chip and Ethernet is allowed.This thesis introduce the communication circuit controlled by the single chip and relied on the Ethernet.In addition,how to use the eight-bite single chip of Microchip and the control chip from Realtek in Taiwan to realise the communication function is discussed too.As the SCM,single chip can complete the communication with computer.
Ship Science and Technology