
基于资源约束PETRI网的建模和资源组合优化 被引量:2

Modeling and Resource Allocation Optimization Using Resource Constraint Petri Net
摘要 基于传统的广义随机Petri网,改进定义一种带有资源约束的Petri网。资源约束Petri网中的每个时间变迁,都有一个资源关联,并且其发射速率约束于被关联的资源。使用该资源约束Petri网,可以对企业业务流程进行建模和优化。该模型中不仅包括工作流中各个任务的相互关系,同时包括可以被该工作流使用的各个资源。通过一个分枝限界算法的应用,可以在较少的仿真次数内,对资源配置进行优化,使得整个流程的性能最高。 This paper defined a resource constraint Petri Net which introduced the resource constraint concept into generalized stochastic Petri Net. With this new Petri Net, each timed transition is associated with a resource and its fire rate is constrained by this resource. Business processes can be modeled and optimized by this Petri Net. This model not only includes the interactions of each task in the workflow but also includes the resources which can be used by this workflow. By the application of a branch and bound algorithm, best resource allocation solution can be found to optimize the whole workflow performance.
出处 《微型电脑应用》 2010年第9期60-64,67,共5页 Microcomputer Applications
关键词 PETRI网 分枝限界算法 性能分析 业务流程建模 业务流程优化 Petri Net Branch and Bound Performance Analysis Business Process Modeling Business Process Optimization
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