目的探讨早期康复护理干预对缺血性脑卒中患者神经功能恢复、日常生活能力(ADL)的影响。方法 72h内入院的200例缺血性脑卒中患者,随机分为干预组102例,对照组98例。对照组实施常规治疗护理指导,干预组在此基础上对患者实施早期康复护理干预,分别在干预前,干预20d,干预90d,干预180d,观察比较两组患者的神经功能缺损评分(NFI)及日常生活能力评分(MBI)。结果干预组经早期康复护理干预后,干预20d的NFI、MBI评分较对照组差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),但90、180d的NFI评分较对照组明显降低(P<0.05),90、180d的MBI评分较对照组明显提高(P<0.05)。结论早期康复护理干预对缺血性脑卒中患者的神经功能恢复和日常生活能力均有明显促进作用,具有远期疗效。
Objective To explore the influence of early rehabilitation nursing intervention on neurological function,activities of daily living of patients with cerebral ischemic stroke.Methods 200 cases of patients suffering from cerebral ischemic stroke within 72 hours were divided into the intervention group(102 cases) and the control group(98 cases).The control group was conducted with routine instructions of treatment and nursing.While early rehabilitation nursing intervention was given to the patients of the intervention group based on routine treatment and nurse.NFI and MBI were compared with two groups separately on admission,20 day,90 day and 180 day after intervention.Results The intervention group had no significantly increased or decreased values than the control group for their NFI and MBI on 20 day after intervention(P0.05).But on 90 day and 180 day after intervention,the intervention group had significantly decreased values than the control group for their NFI(P0.05),the intervention group had significantly increased values than the control group for their MBI(P0.05).Conclusions Early rehabilitation nursing intervention can improve the neurological function and ADL of patients suffering from cerebral ischemic stroke.It is very important for long-term outcomes.
Guide of China Medicine
Early rehabilitation nursing
Cerebral ischemic stroke