The full length of Ld ace2 and partial fragment of Ld ace1 (GenBank accession number:FJ647187 and FJ647186) were cloned from Liposcelis decolor,respectively. The complete cDNA of Ld ace2 consists of 2111 bp with an ORF of 1917 bp,encoding a protein of 638 amino acids residues. The mature protein has a calculated molecular weight of 71.9 kDa with an isoelectric point of 4.7. All the typical residues of AChE family were found in the deduced amino acid sequence of Ld ace2 by sequence alignment. The fragment of Ld ace1 contains 1616 bp encoding 500 amino acid residues. The amino acid sequence has a high identity to AChE1 from L. bostrychophila and L. entomophila. It includes all the typical residues of AChE family except one conserved cysteine that composes disulfide bridge. The phylogenetic tree of 50 AChE amino acid sequences from 31 species were constructed by MEGA4.1. The results showed that all AChE genes were divided into four distinct main groups:Insect TypeⅠAChE Gene,Vertebrate AChE Gene,Insect TypeⅡAChE Gene and Nematode AChE Gene. Ld ace1 and Ld ace2 from L. decolor were classified into Insect TypeⅠAChE Gene and Insect TypeⅡAChE Gene,respectively.
Journal of Environmental Entomology