
二氧化碳气腹对妊娠大鼠胎盘功能影响的实验研究 被引量:1

Influence of CO_2 pneumoperitoneum on placenta function of pregnant rats
摘要 目的探讨妊娠期大鼠不同二氧化碳(CO2)气腹压力对孕月母鼠血液中游离雌三醇含量的影响。方法 SD大鼠随机分为对照组(未孕组A组、妊娠非气腹组B组)、实验组(妊娠常气腹压1 h组C组、妊娠常气腹压2h组D组、妊娠高气腹压1h组E组)。建立妊娠大鼠动物模型,对照组分别于妊娠10、20 d(分娩前)采集尾静脉血,离心取血清检测游离雌三醇(FE3);实验组在妊娠10 d时充入二氧化碳气体建立气腹模型,常气腹压组的气腹压维持在10 mmHg达1、2 h,高气腹压组的气腹压维持在15 mmHg达1 h时,各取静脉血离心后检测游离雌三醇(FE3),排出气体后饲养至妊娠20 d(分娩前)再各取静脉血离心,检测游离雌三醇(FE3)。各组血清采用酶联免疫吸附实验(ELISA)检测游离雌三醇(FE3)。结果未孕组的FE3值与妊娠非气腹组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),妊娠非气腹组中妊娠10 d的FE3值与妊娠20d比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。实验组中,妊娠常气腹压1 h组(C组)的母鼠血液中,游离雌三醇(FE3)值在妊娠10、20 d(分娩前)与妊娠同期非气腹组(B组)比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。在妊娠10 d,妊娠常气腹压1 h组(C组)、妊娠常气腹压2h组(D组)、妊娠高气腹压1 h组(E组)与妊娠同期非气腹组(B组)比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。在妊娠20 d(分娩前),妊娠常气腹压2 h组(D组)、妊娠高气腹压1 h组(E组)的母鼠血液中,游离雌三醇(FE3)值与妊娠同期非气腹组(B组)比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);妊娠常气腹压1 h组(C组)的母鼠血液中,游离雌三醇(FE3)值与妊娠高气腹压1 h组(E组)比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);妊娠常气腹压1 h组(C组)的母鼠血液中,游离雌三醇(FE3)值与妊娠常气腹压2 h组(D组)比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论不同孕期母鼠血液中游离雌三醇值不同,与胎盘成熟度呈正相关;妊娠中期不同气腹压力及气腹时间对同期母鼠胎盘功能无明显影响;妊娠中期不同气腹压力及时间对母鼠妊娠晚期胎盘功能有明显影响,压力越大、时间越长,影响越明显。 【Objective】 To study the use of different pressure of CO2 pneumoperitoneum in pregnant rats,and to test free estriol level in their blood and judge its impact on placenta function.【Methods】 SD rats were randomly divided into control group(group A without pregnancy) and the experimental groups.The model of pregnant rats was made and divided into four groups according to different pneumoperitoneum pressure(0 mmHg as control group too,10 mmHg as normal pressure and 15 mmHg as high pressure group) and different pneumoperitoneum duration(1 h and 2 h),i.e.group B(pneumoperitoneum pressure 0 mmHg),group C(10 mmHg,1 h),group D(10 mmHg,2 h) and group E(15 mmHg,1 h).Group B was detected for serum free estriol(FE3) respectively on the 10th day and the 20th day of pregnancy(before delivery).The preparation of CO2 pneumoperitoneum models of rats: on the 10th day of pregnancy,CO2 gas was filled to sustain pneumoperitoneum pressure in the predetermined value.After taking blood,CO2 gas was discharged and blood was taken again on the 20th day of pregnancy(before delivery).Centrifugal venous blood of each group was detected for free estriol(FE3).ELISA was used for testing free estriol(FE3).【Results】 The difference in maternal serum FE3 was significant comparing group A with group B(P 0.01).And in the group B,the difference in maternal serum FE3 was significant comparing the 10th day of pregnancy with the 20th day of pregnancy(P 0.01).On the 10th day of pregnancy,the difference was not significant comparing group C,D,E for maternal serum FE3 of pregnant rats with group B(P 0.05).On the 20th day of pregnancy,the difference was not significant comparing group C for maternal serum FE3 of pregnant rats with group B(P 0.05),and the difference was significant comparing group D and group E for maternal serum FE3 of pregnant rats with group B(P 0.01).The difference was significant comparing group C for maternal serum FE3 of pregnant rats with group E(P 0.05);the difference was significant comparing group C for maternal serum FE3 of pregnant rats with group D(P 0.05).【Conclusion】 Maternal serum FE3 levels are different in different pregnant stages which are positively correlated to placental maturity.In mid trimester of pregnancy,the different pneumoperitoneum pressure and time can not affect the placenta function of the same trimester of pregnancy,but can affect the placenta function of late trimester of pregnancy.The higher the pressure is and the longer the pneumoperitoneum is,the more obvious the impact is.
作者 张颖 李苗
出处 《中国现代医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第21期3249-3253,共5页 China Journal of Modern Medicine
基金 广东省科技计划资助项目(No:2008B030301019)
关键词 二氧化碳 气腹 胎盘功能 游离雌三醇 carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum placenta function free estriol
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