
CT测量的精确体脂参数和简易体脂参数的相关性研究 被引量:2

Correlation between quantitative abdominal adipose tissue by CT and simple anthropometric parameters
摘要 目的评估CT测量的精确体脂参数(腹腔内脂肪面积和腹壁皮下脂肪面积)和各简易体脂参数(腰围、体重指数和腰臀比)间的关系,以及各体脂参数评估腹型肥胖的最佳切点及优势。方法采集61例受检者一般资料、体重、身高、腰围、臀围,计算各简易体脂参数;应用螺旋CT于脐水平进行腹部扫描,自配软件计算腹腔内脂肪面积、腹壁皮下脂肪面积,计算腹部脂肪比(腹腔内脂肪面积/腹壁皮下脂肪面积)。应用Pearson相关分析评估各体脂参数间及简易体脂参数与腹部脂肪比的相关性。以受试者工作特性(ROC)曲线分析各体脂参数评估腹型肥胖的最佳切点。结果女性组CT精确体脂参数及简易体脂参数之间均相关。男性组腹腔内脂肪面积和简易体脂参数间均相关,腹壁皮下脂肪面积只和腰围、体重指数相关。男性及女性组,CT脂肪比与各简易体脂参数均不存在相关性。评估腹型肥胖在男性和女性的最佳切点:体重指数均为25 kg/m2;腰臀比为0.90和0.83;内脏脂肪面积为100 cm2和49 cm2;腹壁脂肪面积为136 cm2和210 cm2。结论 CT测量的精确体脂参数可以较准确评估腹部脂肪的分布,与简易体脂参数间有较好的相关性,且较简易体脂参数可提供更多的有价值信息。 【Objective】 To evaluate the correlation between the precise anthropometric parameters [visceral abdominal adipose area(VA) and subcutaneous abdominal adipose area(SA)] by CT and simple anthropometric parameters [waist circumference(WC),body mass index(BMI) and waist-to-hip ratio(WHR)],and to analyze best cut-off points of all anthropometric parameters for predicting abdominal obesity.【Methods】 A total of 61 subjects were enrolled,and their simple anthropometric parameters were collected.Their VA,SA and VA/SA were calculated by spiral CT.Pearson correlation analysis was used to analyze all the anthropometric parameters and VA/SA.Receiver operating characteristic(ROC) curves were used as index analysis.The best cut-off points of parameters in evaluating abdominal obesity were analyzed.【Results】 All the anthropometric parameters were correlated with each other in women.For men,VA and simple anthropometric parameters were correlated;SA was correlated with WC and BMI.No correlation was found between the VA/SA and the simple anthropometric parameters.The best cut-off points of parameters in evaluating central obesity in men and women were as follows: BMI,25 kg/m2 and 25 kg/m2;WHR,0.90 and 0.83;VA,100 cm2 and 49 cm2;SA,136 cm2 and 210 cm2.【Conclusion】 The precise anthropometric parameters by CT correlate with simple anthropometric parameters.They can provide with more valuable information than simple anthropometric parameters.The precise anthropometric parameters by CT can rather accurately evaluate the distribution of adipose and predict abdominal obesity.
出处 《中国现代医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第21期3289-3292,共4页 China Journal of Modern Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金(No:30672580)
关键词 腹腔内脂肪面积 腹壁皮下脂肪面积 腰围 体重指数 腰臀比 visceral abdominal adipose area subcutaneous abdominal adipose area waist circumference body mass index waist-to-hip ratio
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