
功率效应对功率LED热阻的影响 被引量:7

Influence of Power Effect on The Thermal Resistance of Power LED
摘要 分析比较了在不同输入功率条件下1 W GaN基LED样品的热学特性,得出了有效热阻随加载功率的变化规律。基于瞬态热测试方法,讨论了结-环境热阻与输入功率之间的关系。加载电流为100500 mA的区域随着电功率增加,有效热阻明显降低;当电流增至500 mA以上时,有效热阻减小幅度越来越小;而当加载电流为9001 650 mA时,结-环境的热阻随着电功率的增加而缓慢升高。随着注入电功率的增加,在不同电流区域同一个样品的热阻变化趋势却是相反的,这个现象归因于串联电阻热耦合随输入功率的变化。该结果对分析功率型LED热特性具有一定参考价值。 We analyze the thermal characteristics of 1 W GaN-LED as function of input power.Based on the transient thermal measurement,the relationship of junction-ambient thermal resistance and input power is discussed.The thermal resistance and the thermal capacitance in the heat flow path can be captured by the diffe-rential structure function and cumulative structure function,offering reliable evidence for thermal management.The devices exhibit a decrease of effective thermal resistance from 14.3 K/W to 12.5 K/W when the input current increases from 100 mA to 500 mA at the heatsink temperature of 25 ℃.However the effective thermal resistance gradually decrease from 12.5 K/W to 12.3 K/W with the input current from 500 mA to 800 mA.On the other hand,when the input current increases from 900 mA to 1 650 mA,the change trend is completely opposite,while the device exhibits an increase of effective thermal resistance from 14.7 K/W to 15.4 K/W.With the same devices,the different trends of thermal resistance go with different current regions.All packaged LEDs can be simplified to the model composed of an ideal diode and a series resistance.
作者 戴树春
出处 《发光学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期877-881,共5页 Chinese Journal of Luminescence
关键词 发光二极管 结构函数 串联电阻 功率效应 light emitting diode structure function series resistance power effect
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