
浅析美国2010年《国家安全战略》报告 被引量:1

Tentative analysis of the 2010 National Security Strategy report of the United States
摘要 美国2010版《国家安全战略》是奥巴马上台以来的首份国家安全战略报告。从美国新版《国家安全战略》报告的主要内容出发,分析该报告在军事战略、反恐战略和对华战略等方面的主要特点。该报告以美国自身利益为出发点,弱化布什时代的"先发制人"和"单边主义"战略,追求外交、军事与安全的结合。报告反映了奥巴马政府在新的战略形势下对美国国家安全战略进行调整的新动向。 The 2010 National Security Strategy report is the first report of the kind since the inauguration of Obama.Based on the main content of the report, the paper analyzed the main characteristics of the report in military strategy, anti-terrorism strategy and the US strategy towards China.Aiming at the interest of the US,the report weakens the preemption strategy and unilateralism strategy in the Bush era and pursues the combination of foreign affairs,military affairs and security policies.It reflects the new tendency of the Obama administration for the adjustment of the national security strategy of the United States under the new strategic situations.
出处 《大连海事大学学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第6期82-85,共4页 Journal of Dalian Maritime University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 美国 奥巴马 《国家安全战略》 the US Obama National Security Strategy
  • 相关文献


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