
全球氦供求形势及其回收利用 被引量:18

Global Supply And Demand Situation And The Recovery of Helium
摘要 概述了全球氦资源分布与市场消费结构情况,全球氦资源主要来自美、俄等少数国家,近年来,全球氦需求的增长及供应的减少导致价格上涨和氦贸易紧缩,美国等开始建立更加严格的立法和保护措施,我国氦资源贫乏,大量依赖进口,因此为了保证我国氦的供给安全,必须加强氦资源的回收循环利用。 This paper summarize the structure of the global helium market consumption situation, and the helium prices rising and global tightening trade caused by growth in global demand and supply of helium decrease these years. Global helium resources are mainly from the United States, Russia and a few other countries, and in these countries, comprehensive legis- lation was built to protect the helium resources. Our country is a helium resource-poor eotmtry and relies heavily on imports, in order to protect the safety of our helium supply, recycling and reusing of the helium resources must be strengthened.
出处 《低温与特气》 CAS 2010年第6期1-6,共6页 Low Temperature and Specialty Gases
关键词 供求形势 贸易紧缩 回收循环 氦制冷机 helium supply and demand trade crunch recovery and recycling helium refrigerator
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