
影响体外碎石效果的相关因素分析 被引量:2

Relevant Factor Analysis in Vitro Effect of Lithotripsy
摘要 目的了解影响体外碎石效果的相关因素。方法对2008年7月-2009年3月进行体外碎石且接受随访的患者100例进行相关因素分析。结果单因素分析结果显示年龄、输尿管不同部位结石、结石大小、结石直径、肾积水程度等与碎石成功效果有关,多因素分析显示碎石成功率越高结石大小、结石位置对碎石效果的影响分别为-3.21和-3.12,两者是碎石效果的独立影响因子。结论在同样结石大小的情况下.位置越低疗效越好;在同样的位置情况下,结石越大疗效越差。 Objective To understand the impact of the relevant factors in vitro effects of lithotripsy. Methods Do related factor analysis to 100 patients who was entered during July 2008 and March 2009 and can be followed-up. Results Single-factor analysis showed that age, different parts of ureteral stones, stone size, stone diameter, the degree of hydronephrosis and the effect of gravel on the successful, multi-factor analysis showed that the effect of stone size and stone location to the gravel effect is -3.21 and -3.12, respectively. These two are independent effects of gravel impact factors. Conclusion In the case of the same stone size, the lower location the better efficacy; in the same location case, the bigger stone the worse efficacy.
作者 孙惠彬 SUN Hui-bin (Chengdu No.5 People's Hospital,Chengdu 611130,China)
出处 《医学信息》 2011年第2期343-344,共2页 Journal of Medical Information
关键词 泌尿系结石 体外碎石 影响因素 Urinary calculi In vitro lithotripsy Influential factors
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