

A nonlinear elastic analysis of stress-relation models for a wedge-shaped granular pile
摘要 静态颗粒堆的应力分布是目前仍未完全解决的问题,有关文献曾对此提出多种不同的唯象应力关系模型,包括著名的固定主轴模型和新近提出的切应力模型等。本文从颗粒弹性理论的角度分析这些模型作为其近似解的可能性和改善的途径,结果表明它们在堆内部都能较好地满足弹性方程,在靠近自由边界时有明显偏差,但可通过降低侧边界附近的切应力强度的方法加以改善。 Stress distribution of a static granular pile is still an unsolved question, for which several stress-relation models have been suggested in the physical literature, including the famous fixed principle axe model and recently proposed tangential stress model. To clarify their relationship with the theory of granular elasticity, the approximations of models as solutions of the elastic equations and the way to improve them were analyzed. The results showed that a good agree- ment between the models and elastic theory could be seen well inside the pile, while remarkable deviation occurred at the free boundary of the pile side, However, the deviation could be improved by decreasing the strength of tangential stress near the boundary.
出处 《山东大学学报(理学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期46-50,55,共6页 Journal of Shandong University(Natural Science)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(10904175)
关键词 颗粒堆 应力关系 弹性理论 granular pile stress relation elastic theory
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