本研究利用提型杂种小麦的60个亲本,47个 F_1杂种,在选用性状不同的情况下研究了亲本数量性状遗传距离与 F_1单株产量杂种优势的关系,分析了提型杂种小麦的亲本选配问题,并对遗传距离与杂种优势关系的研究方法等问题进行了讨论。
60 parental lines and 47 F_1 hybrids were used in the experiment to study the relationship between genetic distance and heterosis of hybrid wheat with Timopheevi cytoplasm.4 groups of characters chosen by 4 different methods were used in the calculation of genetic distance. When heterosis was measured as the deviation of F_1 yield performance from the midparent,there seemed to be no significant relationship between genetic distance and heterosis.But it could be seen obviously that D^2 numbers of crosses with higher heterosis would decrease sharply when the became too large.Therefore,in order to obtain higher heterosis effect in making crosses,it might be better to choose parents with small to medium genetic distance.Some problems concerning the relationship between genetic distance and heterosis and their research methods were discussed.
hybrid wheat
genetic distance
seletion of parents