

Two New Records of Angiosperm from Chongqing
摘要 为完善重庆市的维管束植物种类多样性资料,近年来对重庆市辖区内及周边区域做了大量野外考察和标本采集。依据野外观察自然生境状态下的生活植物和对重庆师范大学植物标本室及其他标本馆相关植物标本的比较形态研究,首次确定在重庆境内有天然分布的白喙刺子莞(Rhynchospora browni)(莎草科)和川滇马铃苣苔(Oreocharis henryana)(苦苣苔科),其中白喙刺子莞产歌乐山等地,川滇马铃苣苔见于万州区长江三峡水库南岸。文中提供了这两个种的实物形态照片以资鉴别,并讨论了它们及其各自形态近缘种的区别特征和分布状况。迄今,重庆歌乐山及邻近地区是白喙刺子莞已知分布区的北缘,万州区则是川滇马铃苣苔的最东分布,两处的海拔高度均为它们已知分布区的最低记录。 In order to have a better understanding of the species diversity of vascular plants in Chongqing Municipality,southwest China,we conducted extensive field investigations and specimen collections recently in Chongqing and adjacent regions.Based on field observations of plants in their living habitats and comparative morphological studies on specimens in herbarium of Chongqing Normal University(CTC) and other available herbaria as well,two angiosperm species,Rhynchospora brownii(Cyperaceae) and Oreocharis henryana(Gesneriaceae),were determined the first time naturally distributed in Chongqing.For the species,R.brownii were found occurring at Mt.Gele(Gele Shan),a suburban mountain range in western downtown Chongqing,and neighboring areas,and O.henryana on the south bank of the Three Gorges Reservoir of the Yangtze in Wanzhou District,northeast Chongqing metropolis.Images of morphological features of the two newly recorded species were provided to facilitate their identification.Morphological distinctiveness of the two species and their diagnostic characters to respective affined species were given,and the known geographical distributions of the two species and their affinities were discussed.To date,Mt.Gele and its neighboring areas is the north boundary of R.brownii,and Wanzhou District the most eastern frontier of O.henryana.The altitudes of both places were the lowest recores of the two species individually.
作者 杨永清 何海
出处 《重庆师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2011年第1期31-33,F0003,共4页 Journal of Chongqing Normal University:Natural Science
基金 重庆市教委科研项目(No.KJ090827) 重庆市科委自然科学基金(No.CSTC2008BB7200)
关键词 重庆 被子植物 新记录 白喙刺子莞 川滇马铃苣苔 Chongqing angiosperm new record Rhynchospora brownii Oreocharis henryana
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