
Luminosity monitoring and calibration of BLM

Luminosity monitoring and calibration of BLM
摘要 The BEPC II Luminosity Monitor (BLM) monitors relative luminosity per bunch. The counting rates of gamma photons, which are proportional to the luminosities from the BLM at the center of mass system energy of the φ(3770) resonance, are obtained with a statistical error of 0.01% and a systematic error of 4.1%. Absolute luminosities are also determined by the BESIII End-cap Electro-Magnetic Calorimeter (EEMC) using Bhabha events with a statistical error of 2.3% and a systematic error of 3.5%. The calibration constant between the luminosities obtained with the EEMC and the counting rates of the BLM are found to be 0.84±0.03 (×10^26 cm^-2-count^-1). With the calibration constaat, the counting rates of the BLM can be scaled up to absolute luminosities. The BEPC II Luminosity Monitor (BLM) monitors relative luminosity per bunch. The counting rates of gamma photons, which are proportional to the luminosities from the BLM at the center of mass system energy of the φ(3770) resonance, are obtained with a statistical error of 0.01% and a systematic error of 4.1%. Absolute luminosities are also determined by the BESIII End-cap Electro-Magnetic Calorimeter (EEMC) using Bhabha events with a statistical error of 2.3% and a systematic error of 3.5%. The calibration constant between the luminosities obtained with the EEMC and the counting rates of the BLM are found to be 0.84±0.03 (×10^26 cm^-2-count^-1). With the calibration constaat, the counting rates of the BLM can be scaled up to absolute luminosities.
出处 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第1期1-5,共5页 中国物理C(英文版)
关键词 LUMINOSITY luminosity monitor EEMC Bhabha scattering CROSS-SECTION luminosity, luminosity monitor, EEMC, Bhabha scattering, cross-section
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