
网络参与与政府治理角色变迁之反思 被引量:25

Rethinking Internet Participation and the Role’s Transformation of Governance for Government
摘要 随着网络技术的发展,作为新媒体的网络已经越来越多地影响了公民参与的水平和参与方式,给公民提供了新的参与渠道与平台;同时,网络提升了公民参与率和参与效果。此外,网络参与还迫使政府提升治理能力,对政府治理尤其是地方政府治理提出了新的挑战。为了应对挑战,政府的角色发生了转变:政府由控制者转变为议程的安排者;政府官员由管理者转变为协调者、仲裁者与冲突的解决者;政府由效率型政府向责任型政府、平民化政府角色等的转变。此外,本文也反思了网络参与所带来的"网络扰政""网络话语权的控制",甚至"网络暴政";政府与公民之间需要确立的是协作与信任关系,通过新形式的公共参与建立起责任共担、利益共享的有效机制。 With the development of Internet,the new mass media-network more and more deeply impacts the skill and the method of public participation,it provided the new participation channel and the new platform for citizen. Meanwhile,the network has promoted the citizen’s participation rate and the participation effect. Moreover,the network participation also forced the government to promote its’ capability,it also challenged the local governance and caused some new challenges for the government. In order to deal with the challenge,government’s role has changed a lot. Government changed its role from a controller to a designer of the agenda,the officials transformed from the manager into the coordinator,the pacificator and the conflict solver,the government changed from an efficiency government into a responsibility government and the people’s government and so on. In addition,this article also reconsidered some problems caused by the internet participation such as disturbance of politics,the discourse control of network and the cyber-violence. There needs to establish cooperation and the trusting relationship between the government and the citizen. Through the new form of public participation,the new mechanism of sharing the responsibility and the common benefit altogether should be built.
作者 顾丽梅
出处 《浙江社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第1期29-35,共7页 Zhejiang Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金项目《网络参与和地方政府治理创新研究》的项目资助
关键词 网络参与 政府责任 政府治理角色 网络扰政 Internet Participation,Government Responsibility,the Role of Governance,Disturbance of Politics
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