
高黎贡山大塘白眉长臂猿春季栖息地利用及与赧亢的比较 被引量:2

Habitat Utilization by Hoolock Gibbons(Hoolock hoolock)at Datang,Mt.Gaoligong in Spring and its Comparison with the Situation in Nankang
摘要 2007年3月9日~4月7日调查了高黎贡山大塘片区白眉长臂猿的生境利用情况。对1雌1雄(均为成体)家群和1只雌性独猿跟踪观察。设置利用样地和对照样地各30个,测量了4个定性因子和19个定量因子。判别分析结果显示,在大塘影响白眉长臂猿春季生境利用的关键因子是藤本密度和坡度2个因子;影响赧亢与大塘白眉长臂猿的则是距空旷地距离、竹子平均高度和距水源距离等3个因子。据地形因子分析结果,大塘和赧亢的白眉长臂猿对避风和趋阳坡有共同需求。比较两地白眉长臂猿对与植被结构有关的8个生态因子的利用结果提示,赧亢适宜白眉长臂猿栖息的生境呈破碎化分布,而大塘的植被均匀性和完整性较高。两地白眉长臂猿对优势乔木的选择都具有相同的外貌形态特征,树形高大、树冠连续、郁闭度高的乔木可为它们提供更多的移动路线、更广的活动空间和更好的隐蔽条件。白眉长臂猿对两个分布区林下竹灌层选择差异的原因一方面是人为干扰强度不同所致,另一方面是对林下竹灌层的利用方式不同。藤本是白眉长臂猿在乔木层与竹灌层之间活动的主要交通媒介和连接纽带。人为干扰强度的不同亦是导致两地白眉长臂猿生境利用差异的重要原因之一。 From 9th March to 7th April, 2007, an investigation of habitat use by hoolock gibbons (Hoolock hoolock) was conducted in the Datang area in Mr. Gaoligong. A family (1 ♀1 ♂) and a solitary (♀)hoolok gibbons were tracked and observed. Thirty used sites and thirty control sites were established. Four nominal factors and nineteen quantitative factors were measured. Results of stepwise discriminant analysis indicated that at Datang there were two key factors affecting habitat use by hoolock gibbons in spring (liane density and slope) , and that there were three factors (distance to open field, aver- age height of bamboo and distance to water) impacting habitat use by hoolock gibbons between Nankang and Datang in spring. According to the analysis of results of topographical factors, hoolock gibbons in both Datang and Nankang had the same requirement for avoiding wind and preferring sun-facing slopes. After comparing eight ecological factors relating to the structure of vegetation used by hoolock gibbons between Datang and Nankang, homogeneity and integrality of vegetation were found to be better in Datang than in Nankang. The selectivity of dominant species of arbor by hoolock gibbons in both places had similar characters of external appearance. Tall arbors with continuous crowns and a high degree of closure could provide more routes and wider space for movement and better hiding conditions for hoolock gibbons. One of the possible explanations for the differences in shrub utilization between Nankang and Datang was the degree of human disturbance. Another possibility was the difference in the utilized mode of vegetation under arbor. Rattans were the media and connection through which hoolock gibbons traveled between arbors and shrubs. Different intensities of human disturbance between Nankang and Datang was one of the important reasons for differentiation of habitat utilization by hoolck gibbons in both places.
出处 《四川动物》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期25-30,共6页 Sichuan Journal of Zoology
基金 西南林业大学重点基金项目(No.200608Z)资助 云南省重点学科野生动植物保护与利用项目(XKZ200904)
关键词 白眉长臂猿 种群 生境利用比较 高黎贡山 hoolock gibbons (Hoolock hoolock) population comparison of habitat utilization Mt. Gaoligong
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