Objective To investigate the clinical features and
summarize treatment experience for patients with aortoenteric fistula (AEF).KG2 Methods
Clinical data of 6 patients with AEF in our hospital were analyzed retrospectively. Results In
this group there were three male and three female patients ageing 25 to 70.Four were of
atherosclerotic abdominal aortic aneurysms,with the age all above 60.Two were suffering from
dysplasia of the arterial media,with the age of 25 and 32.Repeated upper gastrointestinal
haemorrhage of small amounts (herald hemorrhage) occured before laparotomy in 4
cases,sudden unprecedented massive bleeding in 2 cases.Four complained pain on the
lumbus and the back.5 suffered from infrarenal AAA, 1 from thoracicoabdominal aortic
aneurysm.The fistula was located at the third portion of duodenum in 3 cases,at the upper
section of jejunum in 2 cases,and at the transverse colon in one.Two underwent replacement of
the aorta with prosthetic graft material,who survived the surgery,bilateral axillaryfemoral
bypass was performed in one,and in another case the bleeding site was not detected.Those 2
patients died postoperatively.The remaining two patients died of massive bleeding without
exploration. HZConclusions It is not easy to make a definite diagnosis of AEF.So all the patients
who have pulsatile aneurysms in the abdomen,acute pain on the lumba or the back and
repeated small amounts of upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage,should undergo laparotomy
without delay.
Chinese Journal of General Surgery
Aortoenteric,fistulaAortic aneurysm,abdominalGastrointestinal