
欧盟职业教育与培训质量保障的多元主体及其相互关系研究 被引量:4

The Multiple Principals and Their Relationship in the Quality Assurance of Vocational Education and Training in European Union
摘要 欧盟职业教育与培训质量保障过程中,形成了欧盟、成员国、职业教育与培训系统、职业教育与培训机构、企业等多元主体共同参与的质量保障机制。在该过程中,各主体存在着一种互动关系,在欧盟职业教育与培训质量保障政策产生的各个阶段,存在着多元主体的博弈;在政策的实施阶段,多元主体注重相互合作;欧盟职业教育与培训质量保障政策的目标着眼于职业教育与培训的中长期发展。 In the process of quality assurance of Vocational Education and Training in European Union, EU, member states, national VET system, VET organizations and enterprises all participated in it. The quality assurance of Vocational Education and Training in European Union has several characteristics:in the process of policy making, multiple principals play games with each other. In the process of enforcement, cooperation is emphasized. The goals of all these policies are consistent and pay attention to the long and mid term development of VET.
作者 乔鹤
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第1期58-62,共5页 International and Comparative Education
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地北京师范大学比较教育研究中心重大项目“当前我国职业教育发展中若干重要问题的国际比较研究”(课题编号:2007JJD880221)的系列研究成果之一
关键词 欧盟 职业教育与培训 质量保障 多元主体 EU VET quality assurance multiple principals
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