
好氧污泥对季铵盐吸附性能的研究 被引量:9

摘要 试验对比了苄基季铵盐(BAC)在好氧活性污泥和灭活好氧污泥的吸附平衡和吸附动力学。结果表明,2种污泥对BAC的吸附都在30 min达到平衡;随着BAC初始含量的增大,好氧污泥的吸附量增大,吸附率降低;伪2级较伪1级反应动力学模型更符合吸附试验。15~35℃下,BAC在好氧活性污泥的吸附行为可以很好地用Langmuir和Freundlich吸附等温方程描述,温度升高吸附能力降低,在15、25、35℃时,最大吸附量分别为315、307、277mg·g-1;25℃时灭活好氧污泥对BAC的吸附方程也同时符合Langmuir和Freundlich方程,最大吸附量为210.7 mg·g-1。好氧活性污泥的吸附性能强于灭活好氧污泥,2者都能有效地的吸附去除BAC。 Adsorption kinetic and isotherm assays of Benzyl quaternary ammonium compounds(BAC) from aqueous solution on aerobic activated sludge and inactivated sludge was comparatively investigated through batch experiments.The equilibrium was achieved within 30 min of contact time.The adsorption of BAC on aerobic activated sludge and inactivated sludge was analyzed using pseudo first-order and pseudo second-order kinetic models,and the adsorption process followed pseudo second-order kinetic model.The adsorption isotherms were analyzed by Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models,both isotherm models fitted well.The adsorption capacities of BAC on aerobic activated sludge decreased with increasing temperature,the maximum adsorption capacity were 315 mg·g^-1(15 ℃),307 mg·g^-1(25 ℃),277 mg·g^-1(35 ℃) and the Freundlich capacity parameter(KF) were 56.4 L·kg^-1(15 ℃),43.7 L·kg^-1(25 ℃),34.4 L·kg^-1(35 ℃).The the maximum adsorption capacity and KF of aerobic inactivated sludge were 210 mg·g^-1 and 41.1 L·kg^-1 at 25 ℃.The adsorption abilities of aerobic activated sludge were greater than those of inactivated sludge,aerobic sludge were shown to be effective adsorbents for BAC.
出处 《水处理技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期39-43,47,共6页 Technology of Water Treatment
基金 国家水体污染控制和治理专项子课题(2008ZX07314-002) 国家自然基金项目(50908117)
关键词 季铵盐 好氧活性污泥 灭活好氧污泥 吸附 quaternary ammonium compounds(QACs) aerobic activated sludge aerobic inactivated sludge adsorption
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