
地震灾区学生双重援助模式探析 被引量:2

Exploration of a Double-Rescue Model for Students in Earthquake-Stricken Areas
摘要 调查表明,地震受灾学生易产生恐惧、焦虑、自责自罪妄想、忧郁等不良心理状况,但考虑现行高校学生资助方式的局限性,依据高校家庭经济困难学生资助体系及灾后心理危机干预理论,高校应建立一种以"经济释压—心灵重建"为核心的援助模式。即以持续关爱学生的学习生活及心理健康为出发点,以促进学生的成长成才为最终目的,从阶段性经济资助和持续性心理援助两个方面进行组合式援助,并将专业心理疏导与日常心理辅导相结合,为学生减轻心理压力,使其安心学习,渡过难关。 The aid pattern focusing on " economic depressurization-psychological reconstruction" should be established specially for students in earthquake-stricken areas. The study shows that students who suddenly suffered from this catastrophe easily produced terror, anxiety, delusion of self-accusation, melancholy etc. The aid pattern should be establishcal based on the consideration of the limitation of the way in which the present universities aid students, and also on the university aiding system to those needy students and the Post-disaster Psychological Crisis Intervention Theory. Beginning with the durative attention to the study, life and psychological health of students and in the purpose of promoting students' growth, this pattern is realized through the combination of the interim financial aid and sustaining psychological aid as well as the combination of the professional and daily psychological counseling. And it may relieve students of their psychological pressure, make them study without anxiety and smoothly overcome the difficulties.
作者 邓秀芸
出处 《西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2011年第1期43-46,51,共5页 Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(Social Sciences)
关键词 地震灾区 高校学生 经济释压 心灵重建 心理健康 心理干预 援助模式 earthquake-stricken areas students in higher education economic depressurization psychological reconstruction psychological health psychological intervention the aid pattern
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