

Traumatic Cross Bilateral Dislocation of Testes :A Case Report and Literature Review
摘要 目的:报道1例创伤性睾丸交叉脱位并文献复习,为临床医师提供参考.方法:回顾性分析1例创伤性睾丸交叉脱位的诊治经过 结合文献复习,对创伤性睾丸脱位的发病机制、分类、诊断、治疗等内容作一归纳总结.结果:该患者经阴囊区触诊和彩超检查诊断为创伤性睾丸交叉脱位.于伤后第25日手术探查,将双侧睾丸复位固定,修补阴囊纵隔.术后1.5月随访患者勃起功能正常,精液分析为外伤后死精.结论:对钝性暴力创伤性重症患者,应重视外生殖器的物理检查及双侧阴囊、睾丸的彩色Doppler超声检查 一旦睾丸脱位诊断确立,应尽早手法复位或手术治疗. Objective:To report a c.ase of cross bilateral traumatic dislocation of testes with review for clinical reference. Methods: To retrospectively analyze the diagnosis and treatment of a case with traumatic crnss bilateral dislocation of testes and summarize the mechanism,classificatlon ,dlagnosis and pathology of the traumatic dislocation of testis cornbined with related reviews. Results:The patient was diagnosed with traumatic cross bilateral dislocation of testieular by palpating the scrotum and Color Doppler ultrasonography. 25days after the accident, he received operation. The testicular were replaced into the scrotmn. The scrotal septmn was repaired. During the 1.5 mouths follow-up after operation, the patient had a satisfactory erection function, but se- men analysis showed sperm mortality rate was 100%. Conclusions:Patients with the multiple severe injury re- suiting l'rom bluut force should be perfnrmed a thorough physical examination and a comprehensive diagnosis. Doctors should be more vigilant in performing genitalia examinations,including palpation of both testis. If there is anything suspicious, Color Doppler uhrasonography will be helpful in detecting the position ,the blood supply and the integrity of the displaced testis.
出处 《解剖与临床》 2010年第6期426-429,共4页 Anatomy and Clinics
关键词 创伤 睾丸 脱位 诊断 治疗 Trauma Testis Dislocation Diagnosis Treatment
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