
天津滨海新区在改革开放和自主创新中促进研发转化作用研究:一个RJVs根植性发展的视角 被引量:5

Study on Transformation of R&D Under Reform and Openness and Self-innovation In Tianjin Binhai New Area: the View Point of Development of Embedded Character of RJVs
摘要 本文首先指出滨海新区是中国转型经济的重要理论命题和制度设计,对于实现经济第三极的赶超战略具有重要意义;其次,文章通过对滨海新区研究型合资企业(RJVs)的根植性发展机制的探讨,描述了滨海新区的制度设计对于改革开放和自主创新的内生作用过程,并借鉴D’Aspremont(1988)和Atallah(2002)的相关假设建立三阶段博弈模型,揭示滨海新区的制度设计通过RJVs的根植性发展,对自主创新和扩大开放及经济增长的推动作用;最后,提出滨海新区促进研发转化和技术创新的对策建议。 In this article,it discusss,first of all,Tianjin Binhai New Area is an important theatrical topic and system design for China transitional economy,which embraced significance of catching up with and surpassing of the third pole of world economy.And then,through the study of development of Embedded Character of IJVs and RJVs,it describs the process of effect of reform and openness and self-innovation influenced by system design of Tianjin Binhai New Area,and makes a game theory model of three stages in assistance of relevant hypothesis of D'Aspremont(1988) and Atallah(2002),which reveals that development of Embedded Character plays an important role in the transformation of RD under reform and openness and self-innovation in Tianjin Binhai New Area.At last,it suggests some countermeasures and advices to promote the transformation of RD under reform and openness and self-innovation in Tianjin Binhai New Area.
作者 张秋英
出处 《中国管理科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第6期171-176,共6页 Chinese Journal of Management Science
基金 国家软件科学研究计划项目(2009GXS5D100) 天津市哲学社会科学研究规划资助重点项目(TJYY08-1-016)
关键词 滨海新区 改革开放 自主创新 研发转化 RJVS Tianjin Binhai New Area reform and openness self-innovation R&D RJVs
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