这是个通用软件, 用户可依此语法, 编写一个描述表格的文本, 由本系统软件翻译成输出用表格, 并填入数据; 而数据由另一工具对全库作统计扫描后计算输出 ( 另文介绍) , 或由其它系统生成后以2 维表形式提供也可以所以它是通用的而且生成的表格可以有纵向表头及横向表头,
Being a program , P R N T Bis another our prototype supporting tool , which may be used inany M I S We presume that every M I S- Management Information System needs output its reporting ta bles P R N T Bprovides a Simple Language for discriping a table that may be of complex format The re sultis a text file ,in which P R N T Bis used to compile and generate a corresponding array for the atable The array stores up every line ,item name ,contents and subject for the table So whenever youneed it ,you may use the array to outputthe reporting table Its contents are accounting data forthe sys tem We use another tool - T J L A N Gto provide them automatically But you may use P R N T Bin yourown M I S,passing itthe reporting data according to a table ,then P R N T Bfills in the data and outputsthe result antomatically
Journal of Fuzhou University(Natural Science Edition)