
地下海水坑道雾气形成机制及其除雾除湿 被引量:7

Mechanism of Mist Formation and Elimination and Dehumidification in Underground Seawater Tunnel
摘要 地下海水坑道所处的地理位置及超大空间、超大蒸发面的特殊性,导致潮湿季节坑道内的相对湿度非常大,雾气弥漫,海水坑道不能充分发挥作用.本文基于热力学原理分析了海水坑道内雾气形成的物理机制,指出平流冷却雾、平流蒸发雾及混合雾是地下海水坑道内雾气形成的主要形式,提出采用升温、降湿、通风等几种雾消的综合方法对坑道进行除雾除湿并将该方法应用于工程实际.除雾除湿系统在最恶劣条件下的运行结果及现场可视化观察表明,约6h坑道内雾气全部消散,坑道内相对湿度可达85%左右,除雾除湿效果显著.升温、降湿、通风等几种雾消的综合方法可用于指导同类地下海水坑道及地下建筑的除雾除湿系统设计. The particularity of super-large space and evaporation surface and its geographical location of the underground seawater tunnel resulted in higher relative humidity and thick mist in the tunnel in damp seasons.The underground seawater tunnel can't fully take effect.Based on thermodynamic principles,mechanism of mist formation was analyzed.It was pointed out that advection vaporizing mist and advection cooling mist and mixing mist were the main form of mist in the underground seawater tunnel.The several integrated approach of temperature rising and dehumidification and ventilation were put forward to be used to eliminate mist and dehumidify air in the underground seawater tunnel.Furthermore the approach was put into engineering practice.The operating results and visual observations in the worst conditions for the system showed that all the mist disappeared and the relative humidity was about 85%.The effect of mist elimination and dehumidification is remarkable.The several integrated approach of temperature rising and dehumidification and ventilation can be used to guide the design of mist elimination and dehumidification system for the same underground seawater tunnels and underground construction.
出处 《应用基础与工程科学学报》 EI CSCD 2010年第6期974-981,共8页 Journal of Basic Science and Engineering
关键词 地下海水坑道 雾气形成 除雾除湿 underground seawater tunnel mist formation mist elimination and dehumidification
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