5Nilanjian Banik: Antidumping Measures: An Indian Perspective, Rajiv Gandhi Institute For Contemporary Studies, New Delhi,1998.
6R. K. Gupta: Safeguarda, .Countervailing & Antidumping Measures Against Imports and Experts: Commentary, Cases and Text, Academy d Business Studies, New Delhi, 1998.
7Govemment Of Indiai Directorate General of Antidumping and Allied Duties Annual Report 2001 - 2002, New Delhi, 2002.
8Directorate General of Antidumping and Allied Duties of India:Anti - dumping - Application Proforma, New Delhi.
9Direstorate Genenral of Antidumping and Allied Duties of India:Anti - dumping - Importers Questionnaire, New Delhi.
10Directorate General of Antidumping and Allied Duties of India:Anti - dumping - Exporters Questionnaire, New Delhi.