

Environmental E-governance in China——ICTs,Civil Society and Sustainable Development
摘要 自20世纪中叶以来,人类跨入了信息时代,信息通讯技术的颠覆性影响已波及环境治理领域。在我国,以信息通讯技术为主要工具的环境电子治理正在形成,成为环境治理架构中的新事物。文章分析了它对环境治理现实与潜在的影响。基于政府和公民在环境保护中的根本性作用,文章以二者的互动为视角,首先介绍了我国环境电子治理的概况;随后以对国家与省级环境保护主管部门门户网站的实证分析为切入点,阐明了政府为主导的环境电子治理内涵、表现及发展趋势;随即,文章在相应案例的基础上,分析了公众主导的环境电子治理的组织化、准组织化和非组织化三种形态;最后,文章简要探析了环境电子治理可能产生的结构变革等潜在影响、尚存的发展障碍及法律可能发挥的作用。 The paper is aiming to draw contours of the electronic environmental governance.ICT exerts influences on environmental governance in the country.Given the fundamental role of government and citizen in environmental protection,the interaction of the two is chosen as a specific perspective in the research.The paper is opened with the overview of environmental e-governance in China.Then,environmental e-governance initiated by government is explicated by content analysis of portal website of environmental agencies at national and provincial level.Accordingly,citizen-oriented environmental e-governance categorized into organized,semi-organized and unorganized ones is explored respectively in the third section.The potential impact,including structure transformation might be yielded,the barriers existing impeding the advancement of environmental e-governance and the role law plays will be shortly discussed in the final conclusion.
作者 王欢欢
出处 《华东理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2010年第5期64-73,共10页 Journal of East China University of Science and Technology:Social Science Edition
关键词 环境电子治理 信息通讯技术 市民社会 environmental e-governance ICTs civil society
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