"黑色幽默"是现代西方非理性主义思潮的产物,也是20世纪60年代美国的一个重要文学流派,其中约瑟夫.海勒(Joseph Heller)的《第二十二条军规》和库特.冯尼固(Kurt Vonnegut J r.)的《第五号屠场》皆为"黑色幽默"文学的代表作。从写作背景、叙事方式及人物塑造等几方面对这两部作品的异同进行剖析和探讨,可加深对美国"黑色幽默"文学的理解。
"Black humor" is the product of Irrationalism;it is also an important literature school at 1960s'in America.Among this kind of literature works,Slaughterhouse-Five and Catch 22 are the representative ones.The author explains the differences and similarities of them from several aspects,such as,background,narrative manner,and character making.In this way,the author wants to enhance the understanding of "black humor" literature works.
Journal of Hebei Software Institute