目的:探讨通过乳晕内上方"月牙形"切口切除增生乳腺组织,并结合脂肪抽吸治疗中度男性乳房肥大症的手术方法和临床效果。方法:在乳晕内上方设计"月牙形"切口,结合负压脂肪抽吸,在去除增生乳腺组织和堆积脂肪的同时,纠正向外下方移位的乳头乳晕位置。结果:本组共12例,20侧,Si mon分级2b以上男性乳房肥大患者,经本方法治疗,手术效果确切,在去除增生乳腺及脂肪组织的同时,向外下方移位的乳头乳晕位置亦得以纠正,1例1侧术后出现血肿,经妥善处理后痊愈。结论:采取乳晕内上方"月牙形"切口结合脂肪抽吸的方法治疗男性乳房肥大,即可有效去除多余的腺体和脂肪组织,又可以纠正外下方移位的乳头乳晕位置,术后乳头乳晕血供良好,感觉正常,是安全有效的方法。
Objective To explore the surgical technique and clinical effects of a"crescent"incision method on super medial areola,combined with mastectomy and liposuction in the treatment of male gynecomatia to remove hyperplasia of mammary glands tissue.Mehtods To design a "crescent" incision at super medial areola,combined with negative pressure of liposuction.At the same time of removing the hyperplasia of mammary glands,adjusting the location of nipple and areola which were lateral and lower displacement.Results The group had 12 cases totally with 20 sides,all cases were above the 2b grade according to the Simon grades method.After the treatment of this method,the outcome had obvious curative effects.Hyperplasia mammary glands and fat tissue were removed at the same time,the displaced nipple-aerola were adjusted.Only one case was developed hematoma,and was cured by proper treatment.Conclusion The method combined with mastectomy and liposuction through a "crescent" shape incision on super medial areola,the method was an effective and safe treatment for male gynecomatia by removing the hyperplasia mammary and fat tissue,adjusting the displaced nipple-areola tissue effectively,The blood supply of nipple-areola tissue was good with normal sensation.Therefore it was an safe and effective method.
Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine