
武汉市硚口区2004年与2009年高中毕业生龋病调查分析 被引量:3

Investigation of the Dental Caries among Senior Middle School Graduates of 2004 and 2009 in Qiaokou District of Wuhan City
摘要 目的:分析武汉市硚口区2004年和2009年高中毕业生龋病流行现状及龋患程度,为制定青少年防龋措施提供依据。方法:根据WHO口腔健康调查方法,使用患龋率,龋均和DMF构成比为指标,比较2004年和2009年高中毕业生的龋齿发病情况。结果:2009年与2004年学生龋患情况比较,患龋率、龋均明显下降(P<0.01),DMF构成比中龋补所占构成比增高(P<0.01),龋失所占构成比无明显差异。结论:硚口区高中毕业生的口腔健康状况在近5年得到了较大改善,今后应进一步加强学校口腔卫生保健网的建设,加大龋病防治力度。 Objective:To analyze the prevalence of dental caries and caries degree among senior middle school graduates of 2004 and 2009 in Qiaokou district of Wuhan city,and to provide evidence for the prevention on dental caries in teenagers. Methods:Criterion of oral health survey method issued by World Heath Organization(WHO) in 1997 was applied to investigate the incidence of dental caries. Caries prevalence rate,DMFT and the constitutional ratio of DMF among senior middle school graduates of 2009 were compared with that of 2004. Results:Caries prevalence rate and DMFT among the senior middle school graduates of 2009 were significantly lower than that of 2004(P0.01) . On the contrary,the constitutional ratio of filled caries in the constitutional ratio of DMF was higher than that of 2004. But the difference of the constitutional ratio of missing was not significant between them. Conclusion:Oral health among senior middle school graduates in Qiaokou district has been improved to some degree in recent 5 years. School oral health service network should be improved and the work of prevention and therapy of dental caries should be emphasized furtherly.
出处 《口腔医学研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期890-891,共2页 Journal of Oral Science Research
关键词 龋齿 学生 流行病学 对比研究 Dental caries Students Epidemiology Comparative study
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