

Extraction and Antioxidant Analysis of Proanthocyanidins from Pomegranate (Punica granatum) Seed Residues
摘要 石榴籽中除了含有丰富的功能性油脂成分,还含有大量的原花青素等多酚类物质;比较水和不同浓度(55%,70%,85%,100%,v/v)丙酮、甲醇、乙醇等溶剂对石榴籽渣中的多酚、原花青素的提取率影响,采用福林法、香草醛一盐酸法测定石榴籽渣中的多酚和原花青素含量,研究以丙酮为溶剂的多酚、原花青素提取条件(丙酮浓度、温度和pH),并对各条件下的提取物进行抗氧化性评价。结果表明丙酮对多酚和原花青素提取率最高,分别达到2480.97(mg/100g干基),584.35(mg/100g干基)。当温度为45℃、介质pH值为5.0、丙酮浓度为70%时,总酚、原花青素含量以及抗氧化值达到最大。 Phenolic compounds such as proanthocyanidins have been found in pomegranate seed. In this study,Total phenols (TP) and proanthocyanidins (PC) in pomegranate seed residues (PSR) were extracted by different solvents at various concentration (55% ,70% ,85% , 100% of acetone,methanol,ethanol and water) ,contents of total phenol and proanthocyanidin were detected using Folin-Ciocalteu assay and Vanillin-HC1 assay, respectively. Moreover, TP, PC contents and antioxidant capacity were determined under different conditions (concentration ,temperature and pH value ). As a result, the maximum TP and PC contents were obtained when PSR was extracted with acetone:2480.97 (mg/100 g Dried PSR) for TP and 584.35 (mg/100 g Dried PSR) for PC. Maximum TP,PC contents and antioxidant capacity were performed at the condition of 45℃ ,pH 5.0 and 70% of acetone.
出处 《天然产物研究与开发》 CAS CSCD 2010年第B08期186-190,共5页 Natural Product Research and Development
关键词 石榴籽渣 多酚 原花青素 抗氧化性 pomegranate seed residues polyphenol proanthocyanidins antioxidant capacity
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