
柚皮苷对大鼠成骨细胞增殖与分化的影响 被引量:1

Effects of Naringin on Proliferation and Differentiation of Cultured Rat Osteoblasts in Vitro
摘要 为探讨柚皮苷对体外培养大鼠成骨细胞(ROB)增殖和分化的影响,将柚皮苷以不同浓度分别加入新生大鼠颅骨成骨细胞培养液中,作用不同时间后,研究它们对细胞增殖和分化的影响,用MTT法测定不同浓度的柚皮苷的促细胞增殖作用;采用ALP活性和骨钙素定量检测分别观察不同浓度的柚皮苷的促细胞分化作用;柚皮苷在浓度1×10^-5mol/L 24h,1×10^-5-1×10^-7mol/L浓度范围内48h促进成骨细胞增殖,在浓度1×10^-9mol/L48h能提高成骨细胞内碱性磷酸酶的活性。在浓度1×10^-5mol/L10d能明显促进成骨细胞骨钙素合成和分泌。柚皮苷体外能促进大鼠成骨细胞的增殖与分化。 To study the effect of naringin on proliferation and differentiation of newborn rat ealvarial osteoblasts (ROB) in vitro, naringin was supplemented into the culture medium of ROB with narlngin of different concentrations in it for different incubation periods respectively. Their effects on cell proliferation and differentiation was studied by MTT were ap- plied to determine proliferation of the cell promoted with naringin of different concentrations in it for different incubation periods at different dosages. Differentiating effects of the different concentrations in it for different incubation periods in the cell were evaluated through the examinations of alkaline phosphatase(ALP) activities 活性 and bone gla protein (BGP) secretion. The results showed that naringin had effects on promoting proliferation of osteoblasts cultured for 48 h ranging from 1×10^-5-1×10^-7mol/L and for 24h,1×10^-5mol/L were effective. The activity of ALP was stimulated by naringin at 1 × 10^-9mol/L after 48 h incubation. Naringin at 1 ×10^-5Smol/L after 10 d incubation, remarkably increased the bone gla protein (BGP) synthesis and secretion of the rat osteoblasts. Naringin has the effects on stimulating the proliferation and differentiation of cultured osteoblasts in Vitro.
出处 《天然产物研究与开发》 CAS CSCD 2010年第B08期216-218,59,共4页 Natural Product Research and Development
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30472200) 河北省引进留学人员经费资助项目(200828).
关键词 柚皮苷 大鼠成骨细胞 细胞增殖 细胞分化 Naringin rat osteoblasts (ROB) proliferation differentiation
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