
卡普、德克斯与技术哲学谱系 被引量:6

Ernst Kapp,Henry Dircks and Traditions of Philosophy of Technology
摘要 卡普(Ernst Kapp,1808-1896)和德克斯(Henry Dircks,1806-1873),两人所处的历史时代相同,虽人生路径和学术进路各异,但都在晚年走上了自觉研究技术哲学的道路。前者构造"技术哲学"一词,于1877年出版《技术哲学纲要》;后者构造"发明哲学"一词,于1867年出版《发明哲学》。在今天的技术哲学界(如SPT、CSPT),前者被视为技术哲学的创始人,后者迄今无人提及。卡普和德克斯各自开创了不同的技术哲学研究传统:卡普是人文学的技术哲学代表人物;而德克斯则是工程学的技术哲学代表人物。 Ernst Kapp and Henry Dircks lived in the same times.Although they had different experience in life and learning,they both consciously did some research about philosophy of technology in their late years.Ernst Kapp,who coined the phrase 'Philosophie der Technik',published his Grundlinien einer Philosophie der Technik in 1877,and Henry Dircks,who coined the phrase 'Philosophy of Invention',published his Philosophy of invention in 1867.In today's circles of philosophy of technology,such as SPT,CSPT,Ernst Kapp is regarded as a founder of philosophy of technology,while so far Henry Dircks is not mentioned.In fact,Ernst Kapp and Henry Dircks independently opened different traditions of philosophy of technology:Ernst Kapp may be regarded as a founder of humanities philosophy of technology while Henry Dircks may be regarded as a founder of engineering philosophy of technology.
作者 夏保华
出处 《自然辩证法通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第6期61-68,共8页 Journal of Dialectics of Nature
基金 国家社科基金项目(08BZX029)
关键词 卡普 德克斯 技术哲学 Ernst Kapp Henry Dircks Philosophy of technology
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  • 2Vera Flach. A Yankee in German- America[M]. San Antonio, Texas: the Naylor Company, 1973, p.123.
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  • 4Hans - Martin Sass. Man and His Environment: Ernst Kapp's Pioneering Experience and His Philosophy of Technology and Environment[ A]. German Culture in Texas[ C]. Edited by Glen E. Lich, Dona B. Reeves, Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1980, p. 84, p. 95.
  • 5Emst Kapp's letter, in: Vera Flach. A Yankee in German - America[ M]. San Antonio,Texas: the Naylor Company, 1973, p. 11, pp. 44 - 45.
  • 6Rudolph L. Biesele. The Texas State Convention of Germans In 1854[J]. Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Vol. 33, No.4, 1930, pp. 247 - 261.
  • 7Hans- Martin Sass. A Hegelian in Southwest Texas[J]. Owl of Minerva, Vol.9, No.2, 1977, pp. 5- 7.
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  • 10Ernst Kapp. Grundlinien einer Philosophie Technik[M]. Braunschweig: Westermann, 1877, p.45.


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