针对我国转炉炼钢烟气普遍采用以文丘里洗涤器为主的未燃全湿法净化回收工艺的主要技术参数———用水量进行详细计算分析, 得出用水量与净化系统降温、除尘效率的相关关系及变化规律, 从而提出在技术上、经济上合理的最佳液气比范围, 对实际生产有一定指导意义。
Water consumption in converter flue gas cleaning,as an extremely important technological parameter,is calculated and analyzed theoretically in this paper.The result shows that this consumption has interrelated-varying rules with temperature drop and dedust efficiency in the cleaning system.A technologically and economically optimized range of liquid/gas ratio is put forward,which could be appreciated in industrial operations.
Yunnan Metallurgy