

The Probing on the problems of Reducing Members to Increase Efficiency and Transforming the Managing mechanism of the Enterprise
摘要 文章以推进国营企业改革为背景,以实施减员增效,转换企业经营机制为主题,分成三个层次对该问题进行了论述:一是分析了当前国有企业在体制上存在的主要弊端;二是论证了实施减员增效的重要性和必要性;三是阐述了在企业内部进行减员增效的主要途径。从而在理论与实践的结合上,说明了减员增效对深化企业改革,转换经营机制,增强企业竞争力所起到的重要作用。同时强调了减员增效在国有企业中的可操作性和实际效果。 Pushing on the reform of the state - run enterprise as background and carrying out the members re-duction to increase efficiency and transforming the operational mechanism as the subject in the paper, this subject is discussed in three respects. The first is the main abuse existed in the current system of the state - run enterprise ana-lyzed. The second is the importance and necessity for carrying out reducting members to increase efficiency proved. The third is the main way to carry out reducing members to increase efficiency in the enterprise discussed. Hence the im-portant role played of reducing members to increase efficiency for deepening reform of the enterprise, transforming managing mechanism and strengthing the competitive ability is explained in combination on theory and practice. At the same time, the feasibility and actual results of reducing members to increase efficiency in the state - run enterprise are emphasized.
作者 方运泰
出处 《天津冶金》 CAS 1999年第4期45-47,共3页 Tianjin Metallurgy
关键词 企业改革 减员增效 转换机制 国有企业 Enterprise Reform reducing member to increase efficiency transform mechanism
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