

Study of distance measurement based on ED limiting filter
摘要 在无线传感器网络的广泛应用中,事件发生的位置是传感器节点监测消息中所包含的重要信息,监测消息中没有位置信息是毫无意义的。当前的定位机制主要分为基于测距的定位算法和无需测距的定位算法,而获取节点之间的距离是基于测距定位应用的首要基础。在能量有限的网络节点中,利用ED测距具有能耗低,成本少的优点。本文分析了ED与距离的关系,通过克尔斯博公司的Iris节点实验,验证了在无线传感器网络具体应用环境下,ED值随着距离的增大而逐渐减小,且应用限制ED值滤波法能消除环境干扰对ED测距的影响。 Now the main location mechanism contains Range-based and Range-free,knowing the distance between the nodes is the primary basis of using the Range-based algorithms.ED (energy detection),featuring low energy consumption and cost less,is our basis of localization on the energy constrained sensor nodes.In this paper,we first analyze the relationship between distance and ED,and then using the Iris node of Crossbow validate that ED value decrease gradually with the increase of distance in the specific application of wireless sensor network environment.If we take some measurements such as limiting ED value filtering method to eliminate the environmental interference.
作者 刘新新 岳魁
出处 《电子测试》 2010年第12期51-53,68,共4页 Electronic Test
关键词 无线传感器网络 节点定位 ED测距 环境因素 wireless sensor network node localization distance measurement based on ED environmental factor
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